Photographer & Videographer
Ali Marchionne
Ali began working with Rooted in early 2020, helping to capture the stunning visuals to highlight the beauty of locally-grown floral product. Since then, she has joined the Rooted team to help document the journeys of many of our producers, and to help convey the uniqueness of their offerings, traveling all over the country to help capture their stories. Ali lives in Connecticut, where she is raising a herd of puppies and children, and she is the founder and owner of [Ali Lee Photo + Films](https://www.alileephoto.com/), a family photography and videography company based in southern New England.
I couldn’t be stuck on a deserted island without:
Well, SPF, because I burn in two seconds. But also some sort of equipment to document my adventures (camera, audio recorder, notebook and pen).
Worst fear: Sharks - everything involving sharks. I cannot go further than putting my feet in the ocean or I get heart palpitations.
My “Happy Place” is:
Being on vacation with just my husband and kids and living in the moment. I am a planner, but in these moments I really enjoy living slow and making decisions on the fly of what we will do next. As for an actual place - I have a feeling that it will be somewhere we visit this summer in Sweden, Denmark, or Norway. :)
Favorite Wheels:
Jeeps. Although I just traded in my 5th Jeep for a Toyota 4Runner. Very Jeep-like with a third row :) My one favorite car was my first - a 1990 Limited Jeep Cherokee (didn't even get a scratch when Amelia rear ended me in high school..her car however..did not hold up so well 🤪)
Best part about my job:
Creating lasting memories for people to look back on.
Most important lesson I learned:
Enjoy the little moments in life and let them make you stop and smile. As Rome and Duddy would say, "Don't live too fast".
Favorite flower:
Lily of the Valley - it reminds me of growing up and playing outside with my sister. We had a little patch of the "little white bells" next to our house.
I get annoyed when:
There is a lack of efficiency and organization in completing a task.
I’m most proud of:
My kids. They are the best.
Movie I wish I was an extra in:
Ace Ventura. Best movie ever.
Something I’m terrible at:
Lying. I was not built for deception.
Favorite invention:
Cameras :) Duh.
Something I say all the time:
"Better to hurry up and wait than wait and hurry up." This is what one of my professors, Joseph Morrone, at UCONN used to say. He was the former legendary UCONN men's soccer coach and I always remembered it. I say it to my kids often to avoid procrastination with any task.